SUOER SW-800 Handheld Vision Screener
SUOER Opto-Cam (SW-800) is a Simple and fast visual parameter screening instrument both monocular and binocular.
Visual and auditive stimulus
For children ( 3 months ) and adults
Monocular and binocular
Up to 8 measurements
SW-800 Opto-Cam
SW-800 Opto-Cam measures both eyes simultaneously just like taking a photo. This device is designed to detect vision issues for patients aged 3 months through adults.
A total of 8 different binocular measurement can be attained within two seconds ( hypermetropia -myopia – spherical equivalent – astigmatism – pupil distance -esophoria -exophoria -anisocoria ) .
Provides visual and auditory stimulus to attract the examinee's attention and gaze. The device receives lightning measurements for easy evaluation of the most difficult pediatric patients with limited compliance.
Wifi and USB connection and wireless printer included.